In the context of a double course at the Honours College, University of Groningen, we will start a podcast on Authorship Attribution: were two texts written by the same person or not?
This is a brief video on the topic that was shot last year in my office. More info about the video is here.
The course is structured in two parts:
- The first module is a Master Class (3-4 meetings, October–December 2018), where the general concepts related to authorship attribution as well as podcasting (different types of podcasts, recorded episodes, scripts, and supporting episode webpages) will be introduced and discussed together with the students. The outcome of the class (final project) will be the script of the first episode of the podcast, over the generalities of authorship attribution.
- The second module is a Leadership Lab (6 meetings January–June 2019) for a limited number of students, who must have taken the masterclass. Students will investigate in groups a collection of case studies (one per group, approx 5 case studies) related to authorship attribution and will eventually script a podcast episode per case (thus one episode per group).
We will record as many as possible of the scripted episodes.
People involved:
- me
- Amanda Brouwers, PhD student specialised on podcasting